Cercles – Biannual conference “28th AKS-Arbeitstagung” in February / March (Braunschweig)

Dear CercleS Members,

The AKS, the German Assosciation of Language Centres, is hosting their
next biannual conference (“28th AKS-Arbeitstagung”) in Braunschweig,
Germany, from February 27th to March 1st 2014.

The topic is “Vorsprung durch Sprachen – Fremdsprachenausbildung an den
Hochschulen” (“Advantage through languages: foreign language training at
institutions of higher education“).

A panel composed of high-ranking representatives of German educational
institutions, universities, professional associations and industry will
open the discussion. It will be followed by 8 thematic working groups
with the following subjects:  internet-based language training;
perspectives of teacher training; subject-related language teaching and
learning; language centres and research; alternative learning scenarios;
best practices; tests and examinations; multilingualism. Two plenary
speeches, a conference dinner and a media exhibition complete the event.
Contributions will be in German (mostly) and English.

The call for papers for some working groups is still open.

Please register online under www.aks2014.de. Contact: Dr Andreas
Hettiger, TU Braunschweig (a.hettiger@tu-braunschweig.de).

Best wishes.

Angeles Quevedo
CercleS General Secretariat