Where and when will the results be made available?
The results of the TAL will be published in the CLA website on the following pages:
– TAL Results: for all the TAL included the study plan, for Galilean students, professors and Phd students. The publication will take place one week from the date of submission. For the oral tests, it may take a few more days.
– Future students: for students already graduated from a bachelor’s degree at Unipd or other Italian universities who are pre-enrolling to a master’s degree in English at the University of Padua and do not have the mandatory requirement of B2 in English.
– Erasmus out: TALs that cater to outgoing Erasmus student mobility, if requested by the destination university and not included in the study plan.
Is it possible to receive feedback on the exam?
If you have passed the test, you will not have any feedback. If you have a negative result, you’ll be able to request feedback by filling out the form that you will find at the bottom of the page TAL Results.
Furthermore, if you have difficulty passing a TAL, you’ll be able to ask for a free consultation from the Language Advising service.
How many credits can I get for this test and what do I have to do to register them?
If you pass the test you will obtain the number of credits required by your course of study. You do not have to do anything to register these credits: you will receive an Open Badge certifying your eligibility by e-mail and then the credits will automatically be added to your personal record book.
N.B. If passing the TAL is a requirement for admission to a professor’s exam (eg.a 3-year degree in Political Sciences) the credits will be added only after you have passed the test.
Is a certificate provided on successful completion of the test?
You will receive at your institutional email address a virtual Open Badge from Bestr, that certifies the test you have passed, when, where and the language skills acquired.
When you activate the Open Badge on the Bestr website, you will be able to download your certificate in pdf format by clicking on the rosette icon.