Academic English Courses for PhD students – A.A. 2022/23

38th cohort and 37th cohort (PON scholarships only) 

The courses listed on this page are free and priority will be given to PhD students of the 38th cohort (first year) and to those of the 37th cohort who started their PhD in January 2022 (PON scholarships only).

Purpose of the Courses: to review and develop English language competence in academic speaking and writing contexts with a view to identifying and resolving areas of individual concern. To explore a variety of formal academic speaking situations and more informal academic occasions. Tasks will also focus on raising individual awareness of abilities and on strategies for further developing skills. Course attendance: over zoom. 

Compulsory ENTRY test – Registration to the entry test (and the courses) is open from 12 to 23 October (deadline).  

Course type and content

Course duration and dates

Which and how many courses can a person attend?

Entry test and registration

Attendance and certificates

