Events and Initiatives

Training meeting “Introduction to LASLLIAM, the Council of Europe Reference Guide for Illiterate Migrants: Prospects for its Use in the Definition of Syllabuses and the Construction of Teaching Materials”

Padova, 29th September 2023 


The Language Centre of the University of Padua, as part of the FareReTe protocol, organised a training meeting on Friday 29 September 2023 with Professor Lorenzo Rocca (Centro CLIQ and Dante Alighieri) entitled “Introduction to LASLLIAM, the Council of Europe Reference Guide for Illiterate Migrants: Prospects for its Use in Defining Syllabuses and Building Teaching Materials”.

The European guide to LASLLIAM (Literacy And Second Language for the Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants), which Professor Lorenzo Rocca and Professor Fernanda Minuz worked on for Italy, is of great help in designing courses for migrants.

The meeting was held in person at the CLA and simultaneously streamed via Zoom to allow all interested parties to participate.

For further information:

XXVII AICLU Seminar – “Independent Learning: a strategic resource for University Language Centres?”

Padua, 21 – 22 September 2023


The University of Padua Language Center hosted the XXVII AICLU Seminar entitled “Independent Learning: a strategic resource for University Language Centres?”.

The event was held on 21 and 22 September 2023 at the University of Padua Language Centre and saw the active participation of representatives of more than twenty Italian Language Centers.

Full article: