For students interested in improving their language skills autonomously, the Language Centre provides various options.
Via the CLA Moodle platform (enter with university Single Sign On credentials) students can access a large variety of online resources which have been gathered and catalogued according to level and type.
Other initiatives which take place at or through the Language Centre include:
- Tandem Face2Face: students are matched with another student hoping to learn their languages in order to create a reciprocal exchange providing opportunities to practice each other’s language.
- Online Tandem: incoming and outgoing exchange students of the University of Padua are matched to learn their languages and to connect prior to their arrival.
- Conversazioni CreAttive: small informal conversation groups mediated by a native speaker, available in various languages.
- Language Advising: one to one meetings with an expert in language learning to discuss strategies, resources, methods and planning and organising studies.
- Learn languages through FILMS: worksheets with exercises that help students in the linguistic understanding of some foreign language films.